Thursday, September 10, 2009

first couple days

My first day was really fun. Meeting the students was the best part. I have such a great group of young adults attending my six classes. They are excited to learn, respectful and absolutely hilarious. When the class was asked what they thought metacognition entailed, one student raised her hand, answering, “probably someone who makes a lot of money.” I couldn’t help but laugh a little. I think that students are challenged at my school , but not enough. I have always believed that, “ to those that much is given much should be expected.” The pressure, anxiety and parental pushes are present but from my short time at the school I haven’t seen high enough expectations. Maybe it is because parents and educators are complacent with the high levels already achieved. Maybe I am being a little naive or idealistic, but I would like to think that it is probably a little bit of both. In any case, I hope to instill high expectations in my students, as well as, the athletes I’m helping coach on the cross country team.

Monday, September 7, 2009

First day of school tomorrow, getting really excited. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep very much tonight. Last week was spent meeting colleagues, discussing vision plans, and generally exploring the school. I continue to be impressed and a little humbled to be in a district that has so much pride, parent involvement, and general awesomeness. (I think I said that word a little too much) But anyway more tomorrow, don’t really start teaching for another couple weeks, observations, probably of me and by me, but I’m sure the days will be filled!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Preppin it up

Today was interesting. The first step, the easing into the pool, where the water seems fine. I have begun the journey through the adventure that will be the next 18 weeks. Through my University, a volunteering public school and a most kind experienced mentor teacher I have come to this final requirement of anyone seeking a degree in the amazing profession that is teaching. Just wanted to get the ball rolling on some sort of outlet for these next weeks. It should be fun and exciting. I will share what I can on this blog, though some things I might not be able to go into specifics for understandable privacy issues (my own, students, and faculty) I hope to produce a worthwhile blog for those interested.

Today I met my coordinator and fellow interns , I believe there are 8 of us total, at the coordinators home. I thought it a little strange at first that we met at her house but it ended up being totally fine and actually kind of nice (there was food). Two of my fellow interns will be at my specific school, one in 8th grade like me for English. Today was fairly general, but it got me excited for this whole thing, which was a main factor in the creation of the blog/ journal. Tomorrow I attend faculty workshops at my school and meet faculty, principles, etc. So more tomorrow.